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Date and Time

These functions are for working with date and time values.


This function return the difference between two dates in days, hours, minutes or seconds.


function dateDiffInterval( $sDate1, $sDate2, $sUnit = 'H' ) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------
    //subtract $sDate2-$sDate1 and return the difference in $sUnit (Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds)
    $nInterval = strtotime( $sDate2 ) - strtotime( $sDate1 );
    if ( $sUnit == 'D' ) { // days
        $nInterval = $nInterval / 60 / 60 / 24;
    } else if ( $sUnit == 'H' ) { // hours
        $nInterval = $nInterval / 60 / 60;
    } else if ( $sUnit == 'M' ) { // minutes
        $nInterval = $nInterval / 60;
    } else if ( $sUnit == 'S' ) { // seconds
    return $nInterval;
} //end function dateDiffInterval       



This function returns a copyright year or range.


function getCopyright( $year = 'auto' ) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------
  // based on a post by Raman Aggarwal at

  // examples:
  // auto_copyright('2010');      returns '2010-2015'
  // auto_copyright();            returns just the current year i.e: '2015'

  $currentYear = date( 'Y' );

  if ( $year === 'auto' ) {
    $year = $currentYear;

  $year = intval( $year );

  if ( $year < $currentYear ) {
    $copyright = $year . ' - ' . $currentYear;
  } else {
    $copyright = $currentYear;

  return $copyright;

} //end function getCopyright



This function converts a duration into English written format.


function time_duration( $seconds, $use = null, $zeros = false ) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------
     * A function for making time periods readable
     * @author      Aidan Lister <>
     * @version     2.0.0
     * @link
     * @param       int     number of seconds elapsed
     * @param       string  which time periods to display
     * @param       bool    whether to show zero time periods

    // Define time periods
    $periods = array(
        'years' => 31556926,
        'Months' => 2629743,
        'weeks' => 604800,
        'days' => 86400,
        'hours' => 3600,
        'minutes' => 60,
        'seconds' => 1

    // Break into periods
    foreach ( $periods as $period => $value ) {
        $seconds = ( float )$seconds;
        $value = ( float )$value;
        if ( $use && strpos( $use, $period[ 0 ] ) === false ) {
        $count = floor( $seconds / $value );
        if ( $count == 0 && !$zeros ) {
        $segments[ strtolower( $period ) ] = $count;
        $seconds = fmod( $seconds, $value );

    // Build the string
    foreach ( $segments as $key => $value ) {
        $segment_name = substr( $key, 0, -1 );
        $segment = $value . ' ' . $segment_name;
        if ( $value != 1 ) {
            $segment .= 's';
        $array[] = $segment;

    $str = implode( ', ', $array );
    return $str;

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